Very exciting and well deserved! Congrats Maria Kristina & Richard. [nt]

Nov 16, 2012,18:13 PM

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BREAKING NEWS: Habring2 awarded 'Sports Watch' Prize at GPHG!

 By: Ornatus-Mundi : November 16th, 2012-08:42
Dear All with great pleasure I just got notice that Habring 2 have been awarded with the prestigious prize at the Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève (GPHG) in the category 'Sports Watches' - with their Doppel 2.0 : This is the first time in history that an...  

Well done! A new wrist shot of mine...

 By: Gary G : November 16th, 2012-09:22
...taken just now in the garden... A very enjoyable watch! Best, Gary G ...  

And one more photo in more subdued light...

 By: Gary G : November 16th, 2012-11:59
Love how the Habring dials give different looks in different lighting! Best, Gary G ...  

A visual delight! [nt]

 By: amerix : November 16th, 2012-10:46

Well done Richard and Maria....huge congrats.

 By: Hororgasm : November 16th, 2012-12:18
Best, Horo

Congrats ...

 By: small-luxury-world : November 16th, 2012-13:16
and I am not surprised that they got the prize. There is still that lovely and addictive picture ... ... in my mind :-) Maria & Richard, it seems to be a good time for opening an outstanding bottle of champagne. Cheers! Oliver ...  

Super Congrats, Richard & Maria

 By: sanro : November 17th, 2012-01:26
...still resisting to order my own Doppel...but I know I won't resist much longer :)

They deserve such recognition. (nt)

 By: Ronald Held : November 17th, 2012-05:07

The nicest people...

 By: Pulli : November 17th, 2012-09:22 could not happen to nicer people. Fantastc. I am so happy for Maria and Richard! Well deserved!

Be on d ground [nt]

 By: photobiker9 : November 17th, 2012-16:19

Just on the ground

 By: photobiker9 : November 17th, 2012-17:55
Habring won without jumping out of space. The juror may have appreciated pure watchmaking in its most fundamental form from the time Breguet was making his watches for his clients. I am lucky to own a Doppel in blue. Bravo to Richard and Maria after twent... 

Very happy for Richard and Maria! [nt]

 By: CaliforniaJed : November 18th, 2012-09:57


 By: elliot55 : November 18th, 2012-18:04
... couldn't have happened to two more deserving folks. This is a good thing because now Maria can understand why I call them rock stars! - Scott


 By: jonathan.bresler : November 21st, 2012-14:47
I ll join in with the wrist shots...I love mine and completely understand why they are honored. Here is mine on the new strap (which Richard and Maria sent to me gratis, very generously). What do you think? Really brings out the "sport" in the watch! ...  

Loving that "negative" strap! Really punches up the appearance

 By: Gary G : November 21st, 2012-15:58
Thanks for sharing this photo! Now Andrew L., our resident "orange watch" guy, will _have_ to have one... Best, Gary G