What a gentleman you are sir. I love your philosophy and attitude to

May 27, 2011,23:20 PM

life, luxury and collecting

Long may the PuristS reign

Thanks Andrew for a most entertaining interview


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Purist-of-the-Year: Dr Thomas Mao

 By: AndrewD : May 26th, 2011-06:42
Hi All, In this tenth anniversary year of PuristS, and just a few days away from the start of the IGOTT, it is fitting that we interview Thomas Mao, the founder and Chief Purist. While Thomas understandably wanted the focus to be on the ThePuristS and Pur...  


 By: respo : May 26th, 2011-07:06
Great job Andrew and Daos, and thank you Dr. M. This is just the thing to be reading on this anniversary. Congratulations and thank you! respo

Purist of all time!

 By: dxboon : May 26th, 2011-07:31
Great interview, Andrew! Thomas has been, and continues to be, one of the most important mentors to me in the world of horology. He offered me encouragement in the infancy of my love affair with watches, and I continue to learn so much from him every day.... 

Nothing more to say! NT

 By: Ornatus-Mundi : May 26th, 2011-08:10
no text

:-) [nt]

 By: dxboon : May 26th, 2011-09:10
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To Dr. Mao,

 By: AlexSunrise : May 26th, 2011-08:47
Nothing but my highest respect and appreciation. A very humble and down to earth human being, who is always willing to help you out in any way possible. Congratulations, Thomas on reaching this milestone! May the future bring many more riches and blessing... 

Articulate and Informative

 By: cazalea : May 26th, 2011-10:29
Thank you so much for all the contribution to this field of dream(er)s. The earliest I can recall talking with you was about this watch you posted for sale in June 2004 - and you were willing to ship it to me for inspection. I thought about the site - THI...  

First things first....

 By: pplater : May 26th, 2011-10:32
Thank you, Andrew, for all of the foresight and effort you have brought to bear in order to give us this revealing glimpse of the good Dr Mao. Daos: thank you for correcting the spelling error. St Thomas of Mao: why did you stop there??? We could have rea... 

AND I did it all without spell check!

 By: dxboon : May 26th, 2011-11:13
LOL! Yeah, putting the "Hong" back in Hong Kong (I bet Andrew's ever-present iPad "helped" create the typo in the first place. He loves that thing. I am starting to worry that his iPad is sleeping in the bed with him.) is basically the extent of my contri... 

Great interview,

 By: InHavenPro : May 26th, 2011-11:31
Thank you very much Andrew and Daos for putting this interview together and of course a big thanks to Thomas for being there to provide the answers. 'A Purist is someone who cares about innate value, the fundamental essence of things. A Purist understands... 

Wonderful piece!

 By: glickman : May 26th, 2011-11:32
Thanks to Andrew, Daos and Thomas for this great interview. Having been fortunate to get to know Thomas a little bit over the past several years, I find he represents himself and his PuristS ideals with absolute consistency. Reading this has centered me w... 

The intellectual spiral...

 By: Ornatus-Mundi : May 26th, 2011-11:33
TM refers to "life as a spiral, whereby you return to the same point but on a different plane. You start with a general innocence about things, and return to what you love, but with a more intellectual overlay." I am totally with you. It happens to me con... 

=D [nt]

 By: DRMW : May 26th, 2011-11:55
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TM is da'Man.

 By: Davo : May 26th, 2011-12:25
Big ups to Thomas. I've always had the utmost respect for that bloke. Thanks for the great interview, guys.

I will try to sum Thomas in two words.

 By: amanico : May 26th, 2011-12:28
Simplicity ( not pun, here ) and complexity. Friendly is also another way to describe him. A real pleasure to read our own Thomas through your post, Andrew. Best, Nicolas.

According to your description...

 By: patrick_y : May 26th, 2011-13:12
According to your description Amanico, Thomas is quite a paradox (simplicity and complexity, two seeming opposites). But that's all okay because he is friendly. By the way, thank you for all of your good work here on PuristSPro!

From what you read, he's a complex person ...

 By: amanico : May 26th, 2011-13:18
When you meet him, in the real, I mean, he's a simple man, Monsieur, and a friendly one. This paradox makes him very interesting to know, don't you think? Best, Nicolas.

Interesting indeed...

 By: patrick_y : May 26th, 2011-13:54
He is definitely very interesting. I would say that is a very accurate description of Thomas; complex here on the forums, and you can tell he's got even more in his mind than he can type on the computer without giving us a very long eulogy to read. But in... 

I would add that most of us are complex in their own approach to the other.

 By: amanico : May 26th, 2011-13:57
But being / staying simple is a thougher " vertu " to get... Thomas does have it. Now, we'll make him blush... Best, Nicolas. PS: Are you going to Sin City? This message has been edited by amanico on 2011-05-26 13:58:15

It is indeed difficult to stay simple...

 By: patrick_y : May 26th, 2011-14:14
Being simple and being humble is indeed a difficult attribute. I hope Thomas isn't too embarrassed. I am indeed going to Sin City and I eagerly await to meet you and the other simple yet complex individuals who are there!

excellent interview Andrew and thankyou Thomas for giving an insight into your thoughts

 By: G99 : May 26th, 2011-12:58
this really should be 'Purist of the Decade' as it is the 10th anniversary. i understand that you like to live under the radar Thomas and its nice to have met you, if only for an evening meal. this interview has revealed a lot about your thoughts on Horol... 

The thoughts of a true visionary emerges in an uncensored, blunt, and honest interview...

 By: patrick_y : May 26th, 2011-13:09
Would you believe this Andrew if I told you this was the best interview I've ever seen/read in my admittedly short and inexperienced life? I thank Andrew and Daos for asking hard questions and Dr. Mao for answering these difficult questions. It is evident... 

Well said Patrick.

 By: fernando : May 27th, 2011-01:13
"Feeling so much more at home here,' really hit the nail on the head for me.

a good read! [nt]

 By: playtime : May 26th, 2011-17:31
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Excellent idea at the great timing.

 By: KIH : May 26th, 2011-18:24
Thank you for the interview, Andrew, Daos, and TM. Ken

Great post Andrew and Daos.

 By: JerryW : May 26th, 2011-19:32
Finding thePuristS.com years ago has been my best find ever on the internet. Being a huge AP fan I had a need to learn more about the brand and thePuristS.com and PuristSPro.com has not only helped me learn but has also introduced me to a grou... 

Interview of the year!

 By: sidneyc : May 26th, 2011-20:08
Thank you Andrew for such an interesting interview with our very own Dr Mao! What an insight! Thank you Daos and Andrew in coming up with those questions! There is a lot of intelligence in this interview and I have enjoyed reading it immensely! Finally th... 

Bravo Dr. Mao & thanks for sharing. [nt]

 By: fernando : May 26th, 2011-20:19
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Hmm... I first discovered Thomas Mao through reading some books on watches..

 By: KC74 : May 26th, 2011-22:00
..I was browsing through some of my coffee table watch books and if i am not mistaken, there was some Foreword not Thomas giving introduction to the book but the book giving introduction to who Thomas Mao is, a brief one, and there was a picture of his sk... 

Hitting all the right notes.

 By: mkvc : May 26th, 2011-23:18
Congratulations to Andrew and Daos for exceeding even your customary high journalistic standards and doing so with an impeccable sense of timing (in light of iGOTT). Congratulations and thanks to Thomas, for providing a very insightful and thought-provoki... 

Allow me to retell a story . . .

 By: Dr No : May 26th, 2011-23:20
. . . I've told a few times before about my second meeting with Thomas. We went to dinner with two other companions after an event almost seven years ago, and while he was wearing a vintage Vacheron, he brought along a few other watches, one of which was ... 

Happy :)

 By: Echi : May 27th, 2011-01:17
This is a great interview. The questions, as good as the answers. Of course, you guys know what TM stands for... The Man

Great interview.........

 By: TonyR : May 27th, 2011-04:57
from a great guy! An enormous amount of time and effort (plus traveling!!!) has gone into making and growing this site for all of us to enjoy. I've met so many nice people and learned so much about watches over the years from this site. For that Thomas, I... 

A good read!

 By: Kamy : May 27th, 2011-05:24
Sincerest of congratulations to Dr. Mao. Thank you for everything that you've done for this community and thanks AndrewD for this interview. Kamy

three cheers for . . . .

 By: eloise : May 27th, 2011-07:18
andrew d and thomas m! that was a wonderful interview. now - your title "purist-of-the-year" implies a different interview for next year? it would be most difficult to follow in dr. thomas mao's footsteps!!!

thanks for a fantastic interview Daos, Andrew and Thomas but

 By: et : May 27th, 2011-07:24
should't he be Purist-of-the-Century? both this one and the last one? thanks Thomas for all the complex and simple friendship and guidance over these many years. Hooray! cheers, hollywood

Thank You , for a wonderful look into the mind

 By: DonWishnow ( Wish) : May 27th, 2011-07:36
of a most remarkable gentleman. When meeting Dr. Mao in Philadelphia, I found him delightful to listen to and also a most humble person. This interview is the core of being a Purist. Thank You Andrew and Daos.

Fantastic read and great insights...

 By: ocwatching : May 27th, 2011-08:00
from THE Purist himself. I met Thomas at the Purist's summer BBQ last year and while we had a brief and friendly chat, I wanted to get a chance to sit down, "grab a beer" and find what really makes this man tick and what lead to the PuristS and PuristSPro... 

Great read, thanks!!

 By: RobCH : May 27th, 2011-08:53
I had the great priviledge of meeting The Man (and DRMW) years ago when I was an anonymous trainee watchmaker at AP....(I would be very surprised if either of them remember it :-D ) Now I'm still mostly anonymous, but I look forward to chatting with him a... 

Thomas, as you are busy with traveling ...

 By: small-luxury-world : May 27th, 2011-09:31
I will say it with one word, only: THANKS ! Oliver

Superb interview.

 By: foversta : May 27th, 2011-13:03
Thank you both Thomas and Andrew for bringing these wise comments. I really enjoyed reading them... and they explain a lot why we are here and where we will go. Fx

Re: Purist-of-the-year…

 By: blomman Mr Blue : May 27th, 2011-13:07
Andrew, thank you for a great interview! Thomas, a big and sincere thank you for our “second home”! A place to return to day after day… Meeting friends, discussing our favourite passion, learning more about these precious marvels called ... 

I hate to heap on the glowing responses...

 By: mrsnak : May 27th, 2011-18:58
..because in a situation like this, they can always seem so contrived. From my limited experience with Thomas in person, I have found him every much the person he is in the interview. A super nice guy, too. Loved the interview.

Great interview of TM [nt]

 By: ED209 : May 27th, 2011-21:56
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Pure Wisdom!

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : May 27th, 2011-23:15
Wisdom wisdom and some more WISdome Wise questions wise answers --- PPro as it best So much joy it brought in my heart this rainy morning Thank you Thomas for making all this reality in my spiral of life. Sincerely Damjan

What a gentleman you are sir. I love your philosophy and attitude to

 By: watch-guy.com : May 27th, 2011-23:20
life, luxury and collecting Long may the PuristS reign Thanks Andrew for a most entertaining interview Julian

Great Interview.Thank You Andrew and Daos

 By: dreamer8 : May 28th, 2011-02:19
You managed to ask some brilliant questions to tease out the very insightful replies that TM shared with us Purists.Cheers,Dreamer

Nice reading.

 By: VMM : May 28th, 2011-10:26
After reading this, I feel good. Thanks for sharing. Vte


 By: big daddy : May 28th, 2011-16:16
....and Thank You. Purist-of-the-Year is deserved!

This comprehensive interview actually brings back good memories of old days.

 By: ling5hk : May 29th, 2011-00:55
I actually miss Thomas' long post asserting his views on certain aspects of horology even though we may not agree on all things. He has stopped doing that. May be there is no provocative post which is interesting enough to ignite his flame. To me, he is a... 

Congrats, Thomas

 By: Douglas : May 30th, 2011-19:07

Thank you, Andrew, everyone...

 By: ThomasM : June 6th, 2011-01:57
Your comments are appreciated. And of course, the community would not be what it is without the ever gracious, ever watchful moderators, as well as the community at large. Thank you. TM

Thank you, Thomas...

 By: Catulle : June 6th, 2011-12:41
Seems like a longer time has passed since the beginning. I've been away from the forums for the past five or more years which I guess accounts for some of that feeling. In any case, it feels great to be back to express my admiration and respect for your w...