
Dec 02, 2010,10:29 AM

With this beautiful piece, enjoy it.



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My new Habring2 (Part2): The reveal...

 By: RJW : December 1st, 2010-04:36
If you're reading this, you probably saw my initial post from yesterday... / Well, the fedex man safely delivered my watch to me. The wait is over, so no more teasing. Have you guessed what my watch might be? Here it is... Habring2 J...  

Truly outstanding!

 By: expwmbat : December 1st, 2010-05:09
Thanks for the gorgeous pictures--the Habrings have delivered once again with a terrific dial and sublime combination. The jump-second is mesmerizing. Now I can't wait to hear from them myself! DJK


 By: RJW : December 2nd, 2010-03:04
Hope they can deliver to you what you want. And don't forget the pictures! Regards, Richard.

congratulation Richard

 By: aldossari_faisal : December 1st, 2010-05:20
such a nice choice you made on the watch it self and on the dial color , foxy dial in there thought its a two tone dial at first.. wear it in good health. Faisal

Thanks Faisal...

 By: RJW : December 2nd, 2010-03:06
The dial almost fooled me too ... And I own it. Regards, Richard.


 By: respo : December 1st, 2010-05:47
That is a beautiful piece. I love the colors of the dial. I can imagine that it will change dramatically in different lighting. I have to see one of these Habrings in the metal some day. They are very intriguing. respo

Come visit LA and see mine in person!

 By: dxboon : December 1st, 2010-08:10
You won't be disappointed by the flame blued second hand! Then we will meet up with the usual suspects, have lunch, and go visit Seth at the JLC boutique. Daos

Ah, that sounds like a wonderful trip.

 By: respo : December 1st, 2010-08:18
I am going to take you up on this, Daos. But I fear it will be an expensive trip, with the actual travel costs being the least of the expenses. ;-) Y'all are a bad influence, and I am sure Seth will not help any.

You need to see a Habring2 Respo...

 By: RJW : December 2nd, 2010-03:08
Because you deserve one! Thanks for your kind words. Regards, Richard.

You made a great choice

 By: DaveB : December 11th, 2010-14:46
The jump second is such a subtle complication most people miss it. This is a great choice and a great value with the work the Maria and Richard put into each watch. Photographs never seem to do the dials justice. It s nice to see their work getting the ap... 

Thanks Dave...

 By: RJW : December 11th, 2010-19:22

Congrats definitely warranted - a bit of Austrian chocolate

 By: SethRL : December 1st, 2010-07:21
In your photos the watch looks almost as though it were a slice of chocolate (or is it coffee?). What a great color. The way the colored Habring dials both have two color tones and also change in the light is indeed wonderful. And your video just makes my... 

A third on the way?

 By: RJW : December 2nd, 2010-03:13
The Jumping Seconds is a great choice. Looking forward to seeing your photos in the future. Thanks for the compliments. Regards, Richard.

What a beauty - my Habring power reserve says hello

 By: Darren : December 1st, 2010-07:30
" target="_blank"> " border="0" alt="Habring - A 09M Movement">...  


 By: denisfabbro : December 1st, 2010-11:58
Congratulations, beatiful watch. Richard and Maria wonderful people

Thank you...

 By: RJW : December 2nd, 2010-03:27
And you are right. They are great to deal with and this adds to the pleasure of the watch. Regards, Richard.


 By: RJW : December 2nd, 2010-03:25
Didn't know you could get power reserve on the time-only as well. The Habrings truly are accomodating. Great combination and piece Darren. Regards, Richard.

Yay! Congrats!

 By: dxboon : December 1st, 2010-08:13
Richard, it's beautiful! What a lovely dial. I don't know if I've seen anyone else with a chocolate one before. I'm sure you will enjoy it, as I enjoy mine. *jumping with excitement for you* Daos

Perhaps this will become known as "The Sydney dial"

 By: RJW : December 2nd, 2010-03:36
When I first contacted Maria and Richard I was told that a galvanised brown dial treatment was not possible. I mentioned in my initial post that the dialmaker was having trouble making my dial. I don't know how many tries they had at it but they came thro... 

This makes it even more special ...

 By: AndrewD : December 2nd, 2010-14:58
... and desirable and adds to the 'story' of the watch. Andrew

That is a truly beautiful piece, Richard,

 By: MosesL : December 1st, 2010-09:08
love the dial, it's mesmerizing! Cheers Moses

Thank you very much Moses...

 By: RJW : December 2nd, 2010-03:37
I love it. Regards, Richard.

Thank you Tim...

 By: RJW : December 2nd, 2010-03:40
Your photos, amongst others, are what stimulated me to get a Habring2. Regards, Richard.

Well Done

 By: davidcast77 : December 1st, 2010-10:52
Well Done Richard, The only problem with Habring2 is that they give you just too many excellent options to choose from. You however...have indeed chosen wisely. Beautiful dial choice. These pics will definitely go into my library.

Yes, too much choice can be overwhelming at times

 By: RJW : December 2nd, 2010-03:43
But when you find the right combination, Wow! I thought it ended after I chose the watch style and dial colour, but I was wrong. Did I want lume? What strap did I want? I didn't even think of those. Regards, Richard.

Hearty congratulations, Richard ...

 By: AndrewD : December 1st, 2010-12:33
The new Habring looks great. I love the dial, as we have all said, but I am always emotionally engaged by dead second displays. And in this watch, the subtle PR indicator is such a telling counterpoint. On the surface it could well be a quartz watch, 'tic... 

Thanks Andrew...

 By: RJW : December 2nd, 2010-03:53
I love the simplicity of this power reserve complication. I find it very pleasing. 42mm diameter case. I don't really know how to describe the winding feeling but it "feels right". Thanks for the compliments. Regards, Richard.

Thanks for sharing Richard!!

 By: sidneyc : December 1st, 2010-14:25
The Habring2 is gorgeous!! Now I'm hooked! Love your combination of dead seconds, power reserve and manual wind! The dial is so alive it's amazing to say the least. Big congratulations!!

You're hooked?

 By: RJW : December 2nd, 2010-03:56
Sorry to do that to you Sidney. I'm just the messenger. You won't be disappointed if you get one. Thanks for the compliments. Regards, Richard.

Congratulations on 1000th post and watch

 By: dreamer8 : December 1st, 2010-17:07
Agree with Andrew D, the dial looks very balanced and the power reserve hands and 'writing' in the same colour script as top of dial acts acts to balance the dial.It is in perfect harmony.By the way spent a lot of time last night perusing the very informa... 

That sounds dangerous!

 By: AndrewD : December 1st, 2010-18:24
"... spent a lot of time ... perusing the ... Habring website." That sounds dangerous! Dreaming again? Andrew

Hi Andrew, i don't use dreamer as my username

 By: dreamer8 : December 1st, 2010-18:35
without any reason.Most of the time its just dreaming LOL.

Thank you very much...

 By: RJW : December 2nd, 2010-04:00
But what have I done? Look at that website too long and you will probably end up with a Habring2 on your wrist. Thanks for the compliments. Regards, Richard.


 By: aptronym : December 2nd, 2010-03:21
I am really fascinated by how a single coloured dial can have that two-toned effect. This so cool, and I am really excited by the prospect of seeing it in the flesh. Loved the youtube video (rain is atmospheric). Congratulations, can't wait to see what yo... 

Thanks very much...

 By: RJW : December 2nd, 2010-04:05
I think you can appreciate this effect on all their metal Jumping Seconds dials, its just that my particular colour really accentuates the effect. Regards, Richard.

two tone

 By: ingmar : December 8th, 2010-20:19
I agree w/ this. The alternating brushed surfaces is really neat. My silver dial is similar having the circular/vertical finish. That brown really is interesting. Has kind of a "classic" feel but is totally new. Great choice. I'm sure yours will fall into... 

Thanks Ingmar

 By: RJW : December 9th, 2010-17:26


 By: playtime : December 2nd, 2010-07:45
I especially love your choice of color--it gains this beautiful copper color in the light.... exquisite! congrats and wear in good health, Jason

Thanks. I really like the way the colour has turned out. [nt]

 By: RJW : December 3rd, 2010-02:55
This message has been edited by RJW on 2010-12-03 02:56:38


 By: papillonwatchman : December 2nd, 2010-10:29
With this beautiful piece, enjoy it. best Michel

Congratulations Richard...............

 By: Topcat30093 : December 2nd, 2010-15:55
On a very lovely looking piece. That dial is just so outrageous, in the way that it changes colour as the light alters. How about a photo of the back..........Please


 By: MiniCooper : December 3rd, 2010-01:25
Beautiful..... Enjoy it...... Cheers

Thanks PP. [nt]

 By: RJW : December 3rd, 2010-02:54


 By: Gary G : December 3rd, 2010-17:29
Beautiful piece -- congratulations. You did well to specify and then wait for the brown dial, and your photos are great in revealing the variety of personalities of the watch in different light conditions. The jump seconds is now well-established as a tra... 

Thanks SJX. [nt]

 By: RJW : December 3rd, 2010-22:27

just beautiful Richard. a perfect dial colour IMO.

 By: G99 : December 4th, 2010-13:34
enjoy it and let us know what you think of it in a few months. best Graham

BIG Congrats Richard

 By: Tony A.H : December 6th, 2010-14:28
WOW. that's one of the most Beautiful Dials i've seen.!!! not only the Layout but also the Color..!! you should call it the Dancing Dial Color ;0))) amazing how it Changes under different Light Source.and Glad you Posted a Demo Video as well. enjoy it in ... 


 By: takashi78 : December 8th, 2010-23:52
Thats what i like about independents, the level of customization you can have to have "your" watch made.

Thanks very much...

 By: RJW : December 9th, 2010-17:28

Stunning watch in these photos, Richard.

 By: tony p : December 10th, 2010-00:05
But even more stunning in the metal! It was a pleasure to meet you last Friday and I must say that the watch, good as it looks in these photos, is even better in reality. I did not recognise it as a Habring when I spotted it on your wrist at the Vendome f...