I'm kinda with on you on this

Jun 18, 2009,17:24 PM

The whole modification (from what I can tell with deleted pix) seemed to come out of passion.

As a car guy, the Ferrari analogy certainly rang true.

Someone please educate me if I'm wrong on this.

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Found a home for my 3646 dial

 By: Guille : June 17th, 2009-19:42
Beginning to look good...  

Like the patina. [nt]

 By: Z3 : June 17th, 2009-20:31
No message body


 By: AnthonyTsai : June 17th, 2009-21:51
Is it just me, or does it look like the dial is not straight since the 9 and 3 are not parallel with the "Radiomir Panerai" writing? - AT

The patina on the lume is so rich!

 By: dxboon : June 17th, 2009-23:47
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing! Cheers, Daos

Sorry Guille, but lately I find your posts quite offending :(

 By: Asimut : June 18th, 2009-01:43
I am trying to put it down in the most polite way I can because you are a mate and I know your intentions are 100% good, but the recent 203 post and now this post (and where it's heading) just shouts 'wrong' in my book. I am posting this publically and no... 

100% Copy! nt [nt]

 By: Keller3646 : June 18th, 2009-02:37
No message body

Pile them up if it amuses you, but without histories they are worthless.

 By: PoyFR : June 18th, 2009-04:02
All I can say about those ‘homage’ 3646 to be, is that 3646 watches are nothing special apart from their valued histories. I guess project pieces are amusing and sometimes are the answers to frustrated individuals, but very often the hard work... 

Well, that was certainly not the intention

 By: Guille : June 18th, 2009-06:40
I can see your point, and please know that it was not the intention. I have removed the photos. I ran into the opportunity of acquiring a genuine dial and it seemed a crime, to me, not to try to wear it. Reading your post makes me understand that I should... 

Guille, with all my friendship,

 By: amanico : June 18th, 2009-14:59
The problem is to get an authentic dial, but only the dial... Then, it is true that you're walking on thin ice, between Fakes and Hommage. How can you complete an authentic dial with an authentic watch, and most of all, with an authentic Panerai Vintage? ... 

Something to ponder...

 By: BDLJ : June 22nd, 2009-17:14
Hi Nicolas, You wrote: "To me, Passion doesn't meet any acccomodation with Fakes, or Hommage... And it is very sensible, with Panerai, or any other brand with a real Past." To draw this debate into the automotive sphere, where does this philosophy leave t... 

well said Asi

 By: vwmann : June 18th, 2009-21:44
my thoughts as well on this. My opinion is, that everyone can do what he wants - building together pieces, of which some are genuine and some are not, is making a dangerous combination in my opinion... I could imagine that in some years such watches gets ... 

Thanks Volker

 By: Angelo P : June 21st, 2009-19:56
You are right - If a collector is looking to buy a VINTAGE it seems to be getting very dangerous - What is VINTAGE and what is so-so vintage???? Angelo P

Being a "square" originalist....

 By: sergio : July 17th, 2012-13:29
I agree with you entirely. Matter of fact, these type of threads have been....banned....from another Panerai forum I frequent. Nothing wrong with..hobbies and passions...but there are websites the "hommage enthusiasts" can congregate in and share their...... 

Not sure I see what all the fuss

 By: LaCour.la : June 18th, 2009-16:09
and "fake" references are about, the dial is real isn't it???? Should it just be kept in a drawer somewhere to never see the light of day??? Why not let this piece of history and the memory of the man/men that wore it live on???? Guille obviously isn't bu... 

I'm kinda with on you on this

 By: mrsnak : June 18th, 2009-17:24
The whole modification (from what I can tell with deleted pix) seemed to come out of passion. As a car guy, the Ferrari analogy certainly rang true. Someone please educate me if I'm wrong on this.

Sorry, can I say something?

 By: Mr.Gatsby : June 19th, 2009-05:14
No intention of stirring the pot even more, but I can understand where Guille, Asi and Volker are coming from. Imho, they are the only people that should be commenting and since all that is needed to say has been said, nothing more should be added. Howeve... 

wait a minute ...

 By: priscilla : June 20th, 2009-00:19
I think every Panerai collector has a rather good reason to state his opinion about Guille's plan to create one or more fake Vintage Panerais. Let's please call it what it is! First and foremost, "Keller 3646" happens to be Ralf Ehlers, the co-author of t... 

That's it, this place is sinking

 By: Asimut : June 20th, 2009-07:17
if they let you in here,,,,,,,lol Thomas, hope all is well Cheers, Asi

Guille is a terrific person!

 By: PoyFR : June 20th, 2009-11:29
without any doubts! I think we all agree that those like posts should not be published. We are all saying the same things with different approaches. I earlier posted 'sometimes passion drives us to do wrong' and frustration is often the reason for some to... 

I've been following this exchange for the past few days . . .

 By: Dr No : June 20th, 2009-17:46
. . . and initially declined to comment because this is not my turf; as far as I'm concerned, the fascination Panerai holds for the true believers is the second greatest mystery in the universe, and I've long abandoned any hope of comprehending the depth ... 

That is very well said Art

 By: AnthonyTsai : June 20th, 2009-21:34
I've too purposely kept quiet in this thread because the vintage world is not and has never been something I've paid attention to, and so I've just kept my mouth shut with regards to this thread. However, I do feel exactly the same way as you have eloquen... 

Socialism meets watch collecting

 By: priscilla : June 21st, 2009-08:50
No, I enjoyed your post, which refreshingly infuses watch collecting - an entirely self-centered obsession - with socialistic ideas. Anthony seems to hum The Internationale since he read your lines too. You're a good guy. You cannot understand the Paneris... 

Perhaps I shouldn't have been looking forward to your reply . . .

 By: Dr No : June 21st, 2009-11:22
. . . but since you've decided to respond with a tissue of nonsense and bombast, a point-by-point retort is in order. First and foremost, application of the term "socialist" to this matter is beyond ridiculous. How government intervention in markets becam... 

Have you said enough?

 By: Guille : June 21st, 2009-11:48
I won't fall into a provocation, I think I have said what I needed on this topic on and offline. I offered regrets for posting the photos out of respect for people I know who own vintage pieces, and for the admiration that I have for the watches themselve... 

Too generous

 By: MTF : June 21st, 2009-14:14
Guille, Why are you rewarding such boorish, self-centred behavior with such generosity? As you have acquired the dial (assume legally), you are free to do with it as you wish. A. You can frame it for posterity. B. You can use it in any of your other watch... 

I am willing to let him demonstrate that the principle matter

 By: Guille : June 21st, 2009-16:54
Is as important as he makes it be. Will he reach deep into his pocket for it? I doubt it, but I am willing to stand on my offer. If nobody gets this dial from me, then as you say I'm free to do with it as I choose.

Guille, may be the start of an idea

 By: PoyFR : June 22nd, 2009-00:22
of course making it more International ;-)...  

I find this and any suggestion to hang the dial on a wall simply ridiculous

 By: Guille : June 22nd, 2009-07:47
It's unbecoming that owners suggest that non-owners limit their enjoyment to a set of "approved/sanctioned" guidelines. Please, do not offer me more suggestions, it is extremely patronizing.

By all means I did not mean to patronize you in anyway! Sorry if it felt this way.!

 By: PoyFR : June 22nd, 2009-08:45
Rest assure it was my first and my last suggestion to you. This message has been edited by PoyFR on 2009-06-22 08:49:06

Thanks, but I have no need for the dial

 By: priscilla : June 21st, 2009-18:04
but others might have. Guille, for what it's worth, this was not meant to be an attack against you as a person and it sure saddens me, should you feel offended. Whatever you associate with socialism or "the undermined" (it's not all bad!!) has not been at... 

First arrogance, then hysteria, and now cowardice . . .

 By: Dr No : June 21st, 2009-20:31
. . . truly unbelievable. Guille picked up your glove, only to see you retreat. The issue at hand is not the sanctity of the vintage Panerai market, but your cavalier attacks on the judgement and motives of a person from afar without having the decency to... 

My dear Art

 By: priscilla : June 21st, 2009-20:54
you have a personal dislike of me from moment one, and I can tell you the feeling is 100% mutual. I expressed my feelings, like them or not , and while I might have made the final point in my first post with words that might be considered too strong by so... 


 By: DRMW : June 21st, 2009-21:39
Hello Priscilla, Please keep in mind our Code of Conduct: panerai.watchprosite.com that all members must abide by when posting: **Tone: Please keep the tone of the posts courteous and respectful. Think of this as a virtual cocktail or dinner party... 

Let's take this one by one . . .

 By: Dr No : June 21st, 2009-21:57
. . . starting with personal dislikes. There's nothing personal involved here, only matters of principle. Period. You, along with the rest of the community, can express your feelings and opinions as you wish. What you cannot do with impunity is to insult ... 

I tip my hat for you Art! [nt]

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : June 22nd, 2009-02:29
No message body

I agree entirely Dr. No

 By: Aless156 : July 18th, 2012-01:50
it seems there seems there is a significant amount of self-interest and exclusion, even if it meant by some in a kind way. I would add that I think this is a trait found in a lot of vintage collectors, often to a lesser extent though.

I'm truly amazed this thread . . .

 By: Dr No : July 18th, 2012-09:53
. . . is still generating replies after three years! No matter - your support is appreciated none the less. Gratified, Art


 By: Bruno.M1 : July 18th, 2012-11:10
LOL I didn't look at the dates ... to me it was new or at least I couldn't remember :-) So who brought it up again ?

It appears to be . . .

 By: Dr No : July 18th, 2012-11:13
. . . Buddha Jones that resurrected the conversation . . .


 By: amanico : July 18th, 2012-11:18

A sobering thread

 By: efftee : July 19th, 2012-08:28
Kinda puts things into better perspective, for me, if no one else. I'll probably lose those marbles again tomorrow but for tonight, a Panerai is just another watch.

aaah, so that's how is done?...

 By: adrianNJ : June 22nd, 2009-06:56
with an electric shaver?....pheew...thanx for the info....i'm going to start engraving all my hommage pieces now... ... cheers, adrian

OK, I've got to back Guille 100% on this!!!

 By: scotthicks61 : July 10th, 2009-14:40
Look, I'm becoming a bit peeved about all the rash remarks here. FOR EXAMPLE!!!! Volker commented about the bad taste of this post. I'm only using him as the example, not the scape goat. But, my observation then is this; the new book is great but why in t... 

Wow is this really true?

 By: AnthonyTsai : July 10th, 2009-21:55
I haven't checked out the new book yet, but if what you're saying is true, then all those people who had a cow about Guille's posting should be upset at Volker and Ralf as well IMO. Thanks for bringing this up Scott. - AT

My point in a nutshell

 By: scotthicks61 : July 11th, 2009-10:21
AT, you hit the nail square on the head. I don't intend to make waves, and I have not posted enough to do so, but Guille was being attacked pretty hard for showing so little. Yep, the book is without a doubt the best analysis of vintage Panerai but that c... 

Guille, build the damn watch!!

 By: Buddha Jones : July 17th, 2012-13:11
Volker put the pics int he book cuz he is trying to sell the book to make money. Guille isn't looking to make any money, watches are his passion, build the damn watch!! And for the guy who said " Passion doesn't meet any acccomodation with Fakes, or Homma... 


 By: edwardwchang : July 18th, 2012-00:59
I am surprised you guys havent called out angelo bonati for making the PAM372 and PAM390, it seems there are many elites on this forum who believe normal people shouldnt have nice things. Its hilarious how the monied elite will create new legal, ethical, ... 

amusing :-)

 By: Bruno.M1 : July 18th, 2012-03:04
I'm not a vintage collector so what I will say might sound stupid to those who want to pay hyper inflated prices And I have the feeling some guys get scared that it is unjustifiable that a 100K watch costed only 5K 15 years ago. It starts to look like som...  

Good point Bruno. I have seen Pre V straps and buckles going for thousands of euros.

 By: patrickmaniac : July 18th, 2012-07:22
The rationale that some of them gave is that it would finalise the "missing" piece of the puzzle. I still don't understand the logic internally. cheers PAt

Layman question......

 By: sergio : July 18th, 2012-03:08
before one starts to reassemble...original...parts of a watch, on the way of making an "hommage" "fake" (call it whatever you like), shouldn't one contact Panerai, obtain some sort of authorization to proceed, lest some patents or copyright infringements ... 

If all the parts used are original

 By: Aless156 : July 18th, 2012-03:46
I don't see how it could be called a "homage" or a "fake". If buy a 1970s Rolex 1675 case, dial hands etc, so long as all of the parts are original (and period) correct, how is the watch I make "fake" or "homage"? It would be indistinguishable from the th... 

To close this story

 By: Guille : July 22nd, 2012-17:04
To close this story, this genuine vintage dial went into a genuine vintage 3646 as a dial replacement. The genuine watch came thru a well known auction house and was itself validated by Vintage Panerai experts. It was a much more satisfying way to use the...