Sorry, but not a contest for me.

Feb 20, 2009,18:36 PM

The skeleton is trying too hard. It's not about watchmaking; it's about show business. Sorry to be this blunt but your repeater has been a personal favorite for decades and has a level of style and elegance that's all but vanished in our age.
This message has been edited by RNJH on 2009-02-20 18:37:54

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Inspired by Amanico and Allen's posts about the VC skeleton repeater...

 By: ThomasM : February 17th, 2009-21:12
I have to say, I am personally torn between these two; can't seem to decide which is more interesting, or which would be more of a "keeper" The finishing on both are sublime, but so very different. In some ways, I actually like the finish on the movement ...  

Tough call, Thomas...

 By: dxboon : February 17th, 2009-21:47
...I almost feel as though I cannot compare the two. If forced to choose (And it would have to be a dire situation, like I'm in a dinghy with both watches and one has to go overboard or else the entire boat sinks into a deep, offshore, mutant, radioactive... 

Daos, what are you doing this week or next?

 By: ThomasM : February 17th, 2009-23:20
With command of language like that, we just HAVE to meet! ;-) A woman after my own heart... TM

Oh my goodness, Nicolas!

 By: dxboon : February 17th, 2009-23:48
Between you and Thomas, you really know how to make a gal blush! You should put your well-tuned mind to good use, and help me pick out a new strap for my Legend diver instead! Warmest regards, Daos

LOL, Daos

 By: amanico : February 18th, 2009-00:02

Daos, i'm jealous. i thought my 'off the wall' displays made me look interesting

 By: G99 : February 18th, 2009-12:13
dangerous and attractive to women i thought women went for danger, excitement and the unconventional. my wife obviously did. LOL. Graham

Oh, Graham, never fear...

 By: dxboon : February 18th, 2009-20:22 will always be my main fella for all watches unusual, off-the-beaten path, and full of intrigue! Um, when are you and the Mrs. coming across the pond to partake of that round of cocktails I've offered?! I hope you are well! Cheers, Daos

Dating service?

 By: AndrewD : February 18th, 2009-17:22
Dear Daos, Being poor males you can see that we all crave the approval of the stronger sex. Actually it’s probably all those hairy wrist shots that get too much for us after a while. To be honest, although male Purists outnumber the female ones, it is gre... 

Andrew, you are too funny!

 By: dxboon : February 18th, 2009-20:30


 By: dxboon : February 17th, 2009-23:45

As you said, Thomas...2 very different watches

 By: amanico : February 17th, 2009-22:27
Both SUBLIME. But I would go on the skeleton. Since I saw it in the flesh...I will never forget it. With the Skeleton, you have add an artistic dimension to this musical and horological " chef d'oeuvre "! A last advice, Thomas: If you can't decide, take t... 


 By: ThomasM : February 17th, 2009-23:21
Nicolas, if you only knew... ;-) TM

I fear I know... :)))

 By: amanico : February 17th, 2009-23:23

Thomas, quite the dilemma you've presented.

 By: CaliforniaJed : February 17th, 2009-22:54
One cannot choose between these two. Instead, one of the two calls out in a voice familiar to the beholder for reasons he cannot explain, as both voices are exquisite. For me, it's the vintage. She may not sing as loudly as the skeleton, but she sings in ... 

Jed, are you in California? And an ironic play on words...

 By: ThomasM : February 17th, 2009-23:19
Hi, Jed, "She may not sing as loudly as the skeleton, but she sings in a voice steady and timeless. I could listen to her a lifetime long." In fact, the vintage piece sings more loudly and beautifully than that particular sq (I'm familiar with quite a few... 

Isnt this your answer ??

 By: chiacn : February 18th, 2009-07:18


 By: CaliforniaJed : February 18th, 2009-10:07


 By: TimAbz : February 18th, 2009-04:58
What a pair!!...for me, on balance I think I'd take the vintage piece. I think. Or possibly the other one. Or the vintage piece.... Tim

I'd keep the vintage as well

 By: AnthonyTsai : February 18th, 2009-19:00
I don't want to sound like a record since everyone has already stated this, but it's an elegant timeless piece which you cannot get tired looking at. Cheers, Anthony

Vintage for me as well....

 By: WHL : February 18th, 2009-21:53
That is one of my favorite VC's of all time. Bill

Tough choice........

 By: TonyR : February 19th, 2009-17:43